Friday, May 20, 2011

Off to the Field

Development workers know this phrase all too well: “I’m off to the field!” What exactly does 'the field' mean? No, it doesn’t mean that you’re off to have a picnic in a field. Although, I guess it could if you really wanted it to. Technically it means going to do work in the project areas. What does going into the field mean for me? Well, in Nepal, it means lots and lots of driving. Usually, there’s also some walking, flying, and maybe even horseback riding if you’re lucky. Other than seeing the program areas, going into ‘the field’ allows me to see the other side of Nepal, the one outside of Kathmandu. Since Kathmandu is the only major city, I think it’s safe to say that there are two walks of life here: urban and rural. Going into the field means 'going rural'.
Recently, on a trip to the very hot Dang district in the Mid West, I started wondering about local life. Yes, it often means sleeping in mud huts, battling the elements, and eating lots and lots of dahl baht. But, I thought, there must be something else. So I asked the blunt question, “what do people do in Dang?” Thus, I did some digging. Trying to stay culturally sensitive, I asked the occasional question like, “what do you do in your spare time?” Usually the answer was three-part: "eat, spend time with family, and rest". Not satisfied, I pressed harder. Yet, I still got the same answers. In return people just asked me when I was getting married. Trying to dodge a handful of bullets, I dropped my quest.
It looks like in Dang, people do have lots of time to spend with family and well, sit around. I guess that’s what happens when you believe in reincarnation. No need to rush when you’ve got more lives to live. The first few days, I found I was very antsy. Then, slowly, the days passed quickly whilst sitting around. Not only did I get to ponder my inner workings but I also started to appreciate the slow paced nature of rural life. Alas, now back in my urban persona, antsy reigns supreme. I do however get to sit at my desk and think about the next time I get to tell people “I’m off to field!”

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